Tuesday 2 September 2014

Circle Of Boastfulness

Ever wondered, why do Rich & Less Scholarly Politicians & Businessmen say things like- "Mera baccha London se padhke aaya hai". Or when a Clerk boasts about "Mera beta IIT/IIM se hai".

Although these things don't bother me at all, but this is yet another example of Compensating your underachievement with the Successive Generation. This is only the start of a vicious circle. If my Dad was a pass-out form Harvard university and I couldn't get there, may be because of Circumstances or may be I wasn't Capable enough, doesn't make me an failure at any level.

If u look at the root cause of it, you will find Politicians again, who can afford an Unrealistic value for money Exchange Program for their Child, sponsored to do a job at Starbucks & living as a Second Grade Citizen, just so that his father/mother can speak to his fellow mates about the achievements of his child as mine have come to a halt.

In other case where a Babu becomes extremely Egotist thereby increasing his daily dose of "Kharcha Paani" or becomes totally, a Materialistic Ascetic because of the Unending System of providing Privilege to all the Sections of the Society, not because they are Poor, but because they have a Privileged Surname.

I don't wish to touch on the lines on Aarakshan. But I am onto the point where, Proud parents feel the continuous Urge to validate themselves with the Scholastic Achievements of their children.

I consider myself to be a Privileged child as my Parents are unconcerned about my Result. They ask me only if I have passed the exam; Or Are they supposed to provide me fees for reappearing in exam? Although I have never provided them such prerogative, despite Spoiling their habit by scoring good marks in School. I believe in staying down to earth. 

May be this is the reason that makes my parents proud, for a child whose Self Esteem is Sufficient that he does not need us promoting his Minor Scholastic Achievements in front of everyone. 

This does Prove that I am quite against a lot of Requisite Norms of getting a Brand Tag over me. But I am Happy to be born in a place where I have Freedom of Thought and Speech. I just wonder when this Attitude transcends in our entire country.

Monday 1 September 2014

The Cloak Of Euphemisms

We live in a society where we have developed an intolerance towards truth. People have no resistance towards insults and hence, direct form of speech is fading out. Although language is becoming more formal and respectful in many ways, but it should not be to the level that it alters the feelings behind it.

Let me make my point clear by making a positive example. These days we do not call a crippled man as handicapped, instead we use terms like Physically Challenged or Differently Abled. However referring to an old man as senior citizen is not a problem. The problem is the manipulation of truth, by government, media and organisations publishing factual information.

We seem to have a lot of trouble dealing with reality. Poor people used to live in slums, but these days the underprivileged or economically disadvantaged occupy the substandard housing in inner cities. These are mere broke penniless people in abysmal condition but the higher authorities sugar coat it, as if these people have a negative cash flow.

Moreover the government or the politicians don't lie these days, they engage in disinformation. Print media glorifies even the worse human conditions and makes it a catchy statement, complex to be understood by a normal human brain thereby decreasing the true impact of the current scenario.

The top 1% of the population which controls the world has modified language at their convenience to conceal their sins. These people have been misleading us into believing that if u change the condition, that is going to decrease its intensity. It would have been so great if real life problem could have been solved on a mere piece of paper. Truth is always bitter and it should be left that way.

Euphemisation of real life problems like hunger, poverty, rape, murder is only going to take us away from reality, keeping these issues unresolved. Slavery of women in these days is termed as "trafficking". People who are murdered are coined as missing and those who die because of Military's negligence are termed as "Martyrs". Henchmen do not commit crimes, they make mistakes.

Most of us dont still find this a problem because we have become numb to the realities of life. Continuous use of euphemisms is bad for the countries' health. 

Such aspects of our modern language make me wanna vomit, or rather loose some of my lunch by engaging in an involuntary spill of partially digested food. 
"Ab Ki baar, No Bakwaas Yaar"